
The Institute for Social Study of Gender (ISSG) aims to develop academic research activities related to gender studies at the national and international level, to promote the expansion of professional networks, to increase the collaboration with other organizations, to conclude partnerships for research and social projects, to organize international scientific events. The results of all these activities are conveyed worldwide as books, articles, or reports in the Journal of Research Gender Studies, published with Addleton Academic Publishers, New York.


The subforum, “Adaptability & Breakthrough: Academic Reform and Innovation in the New Ecology of Higher Education”, as part of the organization World Women University Presidents Forum (WWUPF), addressing to women in academia, was one of the main events organized by The Institute for Social Study of Gender, during June 1-5, 2017, as suggested by Professor Corina Adriana Dumitrescu, President of the Faculty Senate, member of this prestigious organization. The subforum articles presented by participants from 22 countries have been published as a volume.


Even though it was established in 2017, the Institute for Social Study of Gender actually has a history going back in 2014 when some members of the Institute (Professor Ramona Mihaila and Professor Onorina Botezat) were part of the European research project Gender, Science, Technology and Environment (gender STE), (2012-2016), a network of experts and policymakers committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation. The main objective of gender STE was to promote better integration of gender dimensions in science and technology on three main levels: promoting women’s careers in science and technology through the structural change of institutions; promoting better integration of gender within the scope of science, research, and technology; identifying gender dimensions relevant to the environment.

Thus, at Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University the project members organized two important events: Capacity Building Workshop for Researchers (April 25-26, 2016) and the International Conference TheGender Construction of Society(April 22-24, 2016)

The conference articles have been published as a volume.